I ran into a case where CLR was disabled on one of my servers. If you don’t know what CLR is, in a nutshell, you can run VB or C# code on your SQL Server.
Here is a sample CLR procedure from MSDN that calculates sales taxes.
But, back to enabling CLR on your SQL Server. There is a simple command you can use to enable CLR on your SQL Server.

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1;

To check and make sure that CLR is enabled, simply run this select statement:

select  *
from    sys.configurations
where   name = 'clr enabled'

Source: MSDN – Enabling CLR Integration


Rudy Rodarte is a SQL Server Database professional based in Austin, TX. Over his career, Rudy has worked with SSRS, SSIS, performance tuning troubleshooting. When away from Keyboard, Rudy goes to Spurs and Baylor Bear sporting events.

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