The following PowerShell script finds all of the Active Directory group memberships for users in a target Active Directory Group. The PowerShell script is looking for 2 parameters:
- TARGET_AD_GROUP – The AD group in question
- $logfile – A text file destination, saved as a CSV
The script will first find all members of the TARGET_AD_GROUP. The script will then store the array of users in the variable $user. The script will then iterate over each of the users in the array. During each iteration, the script will find all groups that the current user is a member of. This resulting groups are stored in the array $groups. The script will then iterate over the groups and write out the current user and all of their group memberships to the logfile, one group at a time.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory $users = get-adgroupmember "TARGET_AD_GROUP" | Select-Object SamAccountName, Name | Sort-Object name $logfile = "C:\OutFile.csv" add-content $logfile "AccountName,UserName,GroupName" foreach($user in $users){ $groups =GET-ADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName –Properties MemberOf | ` Select-Object -ExpandProperty MemberOf | ` Get-ADGroup -Properties name | ` Sort-Object name | ` Where-Object { $_.GroupCategory -eq "Security"}|` Where-Object {$ -like "*SQL*"}|` # An additional filter Select-Object name foreach($group in $groups){ $outline = "{0},{1},{2}" -f $user.SamAccountName, $user.Name, $ add-content $logfile $outline } }
The results will look something like this:
AccountName | UserName | GroupName |
asmith | Adam Smith | TARGET_AD_GROUP |
asmith | Adam Smith | SECURE_AD_GROUP |
asmith | Adam Smith | OTHER_AD_GROUP |
bjones | Brad Jones | TARGET_AD_GROUP |
bjones | Brad Jones | MANAGER_AD_GROUP |
bjones | Brad Jones | CALENDAR_AD_GROUP |
kcarter | Kelly Carter | TARGET_AD_GROUP |
kcarter | Kelly Carter | SR_MANAGER_AD_GROUP |
kcarter | Kelly Carter | MANAGER_AD_GROUP |
wwoods | Wilhem Woods | DBA_AD_GROUP |
You can then import the results into SQL Server, Excel, etc for pivoting and further analysis.