Do you have tons and tons of versions of DTS packages in SQL Server 2008/2005. Every little revision saves a new version on the server. You could end up with hundreds of revisions for just one package.
It is a pain to delete each of these one by one. The quickest way to delete these old packages is with a script. Rather than write a script, I went out and searched the web for a solution. I found the script I needed at SQL Server Central.
Delete old versions of DTS packages
here is the code:
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.usp_DelOldDTSPkgVersions') and sysstat & 0xf = 4) drop procedure dbo.usp_DelOldDTSPkgVersions GO CREATE PROCEDURE usp_DelOldDTSPkgVersions /************************************************************************* SQL SERVER OBJECT NAME: dbo.usp_DelOldDTSPkgVersions PURPOSE: Old versions of DTS packages from msdb database ACTIONS: Accept package name parameter Create cursor with old versions of packages matching passed package name For each record in cursor Execute sp_dump_dtspackagelog to remove package logs NOTE: removal of package log record is supposed to cascade delete step log and task log records Execute sp_drop_dtspackage to remove old version INPUTS: @vcrPkgName - sysname - Optional parameter to filter by package name OUTPUTS: @intErr via RETURN - non-zero value indicates failure Records removed from msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages msdb.dbo.sysdtspackagelog msdb.dbo.dbo.sysdtssteplog msdb.dbo.dbo.sysdtstasklog USAGE: EXEC usp_DelOldDTSPkgVersions @vcrPkgName = ' ' EXAMPLE: EXEC usp_DelOldDTSPkgVersions @vcrPkgName = 'Devel' This will delete old versions for packages that have 'Devel' in the name MODIFICATION HISTORY 28-Nov-2002 Phillip Carter - Initial Development ************************************************************************* Thanks to Antares686 at for the select statement in the cursor *************************************************************************/ -- PASSED PARAMETERS @vcrPkgName sysname = NULL AS BEGIN -- end procedure SET NOCOUNT ON -- declare local variables DECLARE @vcrName sysname -- package name DECLARE @unqID uniqueidentifier -- GUID for package id DECLARE @unqVerID uniqueidentifier -- GUID for package version DECLARE @vcrMsg varchar(255) -- message string DECLARE @intRC int -- return code from stored procedures DECLARE @intErr int -- indicates error in individual operation DECLARE @intFail int -- indicates overall failure -- init local variables SET @vcrName = '' SET @unqID = NULL SET @unqVerID = NULL SET @vcrMsg = '' SET @intRC = 0 SET @intErr = 0 SET @intFail = 0 -- add wildcard characters to package name variable SET @vcrPkgName = '%' + COALESCE(@vcrPkgName, '') + '%' -- declare cursor for all old versions of packages -- matching passed package name variable DECLARE curVer CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT name, id, versionid FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages WHERE versionid in ( SELECT versionid FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages sPkg INNER JOIN ( SELECT id as MaxID , MAX(createdate) as MaxCrDt FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages GROUP BY id ) as MaxCD ON = MaxCD.MaxID AND sPkg.createdate <> MaxCD.MaxCrDt ) AND name LIKE @vcrPkgName OPEN curVer FETCH NEXT FROM curVer INTO @vcrName, @unqID, @unqVerID WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- Remove package logs for old version -- NOTE: removal of package log record is supposed to -- cascade delete step log and task log records EXEC @intRC = msdb.dbo.sp_dump_dtspackagelog @name = @vcrName, @versionid = @unqVerID -- capture system error variable SELECT @intErr = @@ERROR -- check for error condition IF @intRC = 0 AND @intErr = 0 BEGIN -- print success message SELECT @vcrMsg = 'Removed log records for package ' + @vcrName SELECT @vcrMsg = @vcrMsg + ', version ' + CAST(@unqVerID as varchar(128)) PRINT @vcrMsg -- remove old version of the package EXEC @intRC = msdb.dbo.sp_drop_dtspackage @name = @vcrName, @id = @unqID, @versionid = @unqVerID -- capture system error variable SELECT @intErr = @@ERROR -- check for error condition IF @intRC = 0 AND @intErr = 0 BEGIN -- print success message SELECT @vcrMsg = 'Removed version ' + CAST(@unqVerID as varchar(128)) SELECT @vcrMsg = @vcrMsg + ' for package ' + @vcrName PRINT @vcrMsg END ELSE BEGIN -- print error message SELECT @vcrMsg = 'ERROR: Removing Version ' + CAST(@unqVerID as varchar(128)) SELECT @vcrMsg = @vcrMsg + ' for package ' + @vcrName PRINT @vcrMsg SELECT @vcrMsg = 'ERROR: ' + CAST(@intErr as varchar(10)) SELECT @vcrMsg = @vcrMsg + ', SP Return: ' + CAST(@intRC as varchar(10)) PRINT @vcrMsg -- set intFail and reset intRC and intErr SELECT @intFail = 1, @intErr = 0, @intRC = 0 END END ELSE BEGIN -- print error message SELECT @vcrMsg = 'ERROR: Removing log records for package ' + @vcrName SELECT @vcrMsg = @vcrMsg + ', version ' + CAST(@unqVerID as varchar(128)) PRINT @vcrMsg SELECT @vcrMsg = 'ERROR: ' + CAST(@intErr as varchar(10)) SELECT @vcrMsg = @vcrMsg + ', SP Return: ' + CAST(@intRC as varchar(10)) PRINT @vcrMsg -- set intFail and reset intRC and intErr SELECT @intFail = 1, @intErr = 0, @intRC = 0 END -- fetch next set of values from cursor FETCH NEXT FROM curVer INTO @vcrName, @unqID, @unqVerID END -- close and deallocate cursor CLOSE curVer DEALLOCATE curVer IF @intFail <> 0 BEGIN -- print error message PRINT REPLICATE('*', 60) PRINT 'Operation encounter Errors. Check previous messages.' END RETURN (@intFail) END -- end procedure GO
The code will delete all but the newest version of the DTS package. The only thing you need to supply is the DTS package name.